Home Reference Source
import {BOMEntry} from 'canvas-template/src/js/BOM.js'
public class | source


This class defines a BOMEntry object which is used to define one entry in a bill of materials.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

The constructor returns a new blank BOMEntry object.

Member Summary

Public Members

The name of the item.


The cost of one of this item in USD.


The number of this item needed.


This atom's radius as displayed on the screen is 1/72 width


A link to where to purchase the item.


The total number of this item needed for this part.

Public Constructors

public constructor() source

The constructor returns a new blank BOMEntry object.

Public Members

public BOMitemName: string source

The name of the item.

public costUSD: number source

The cost of one of this item in USD.

public numberNeeded: number source

The number of this item needed.

public radius: number source

This atom's radius as displayed on the screen is 1/72 width

public source: string source

A link to where to purchase the item.

public totalNeeded: number source

The total number of this item needed for this part. Should this be removed in favor of forcing the parts to be modeled? Probably nobody would bother.