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 * This class defines a BOMEntry object which is used to define one entry in a bill of materials.
export class BOMEntry {
     * The constructor returns a new blank BOMEntry object.
         * The name of the item.
         * @type {string}
        this.BOMitemName  = 'name'
         * The number of this item needed.
         * @type {number}
        this.numberNeeded = 1
         * The cost of one of this item in USD.
         * @type {number}
        this.costUSD      = 0
         * A link to where to purchase the item.
         * @type {string}
        this.source       = 'www.example.com'
         * The total number of this item needed for this part. Should this be removed in favor of  forcing the parts to be modeled? Probably nobody would bother.
         * @type {number}
        this.totalNeeded  = this.numberNeeded //Scaled by the number of this instance
         * This atom's radius as displayed on the screen is 1/72 width
         * @type {number}
        this.radius = 1/65
         * This atom's height as drawn on the screen

 * Computes and returns an array of BOMEntry objects after looking at the tags of a geometry.
 * @param {string} path - The geometry which should be scanned for tags.
export const extractBomTags = function(path, functionToPlace){
    //Extract all of the tags
    const {answer} = window.ask({op: "listItems", readPath: path })
    answer.then( items => {
        // Filter for only bomItems
        var bomItems = items.filter(item => {
            return item.substring(2, 13) == "BOMitemName"
        bomItems = bomItems.map(JSON.parse)
        // Consolidate similar items into a single item
        var compiledArray = []
        bomItems.forEach(function (bomElement) {
            if (!this[bomElement.BOMitemName]) {                    //If the list of items doesn't already have one of these
                this[bomElement.BOMitemName] = new BOMEntry             //Create one
                this[bomElement.BOMitemName].numberNeeded = 0           //Set the number needed to zerio initially
                this[bomElement.BOMitemName].BOMitemName = bomElement.BOMitemName   //With the information from the item
                this[bomElement.BOMitemName].source = bomElement.source
            this[bomElement.BOMitemName].numberNeeded += bomElement.numberNeeded
            this[bomElement.BOMitemName].costUSD += bomElement.costUSD
        }, Object.create(null))
        // Alphabetize by source
        compiledArray = compiledArray.sort((a,b) => (a.source > b.source) ? 1 : ((b.source > a.source) ? -1 : 0)) 

 * Takes a link and converts it to be an affiliate link if it should be.
 * @param {string} link - The link to check.
export const convertLinks = function(link){
        return "[Amazon](" + link + "?tag=maslowcnc01-20)"
    return link