import { create, all } from 'mathjs'
import Assembly from './molecules/assembly.js'
import Box from './molecules/box.js'
import CutList from './molecules/cutlist.js'
import Circle from './molecules/circle.js'
import Color from './molecules/color.js'
import CutLayout from './molecules/cutlayout.js'
import Rectangle from './molecules/rectangle.js'
import ShrinkWrap from './molecules/shrinkwrap.js'
import Move from './molecules/move.js'
import Tag from './molecules/tag.js'
import RegularPolygon from './molecules/regularpolygon.js'
import Extrude from './molecules/extrude.js'
import Stl from './molecules/stl.js'
import Svg from './molecules/svg.js'
//import Nest from './molecules/nest.js'
import Intersection from './molecules/intersection.js'
import Difference from './molecules/difference.js'
import Constant from './molecules/constant.js'
import Equation from './molecules/equation.js'
import ExtractTag from './molecules/extracttag.js'
import Molecule from './molecules/molecule.js'
import GeneticAlgorithm from './molecules/geneticAlgorithm.js'
import Input from './molecules/input.js'
import Readme from './molecules/readme.js'
import AddBOMTag from './molecules/BOM.js'
import Rotate from './molecules/rotate.js'
import GitHubMolecule from './molecules/githubmolecule.js'
import Output from './molecules/output.js'
import Gcode from './molecules/gcode.js'
import Code from './molecules/code.js'
import Group from './molecules/group.js'
import UploadSVG from './molecules/uploadSVG.js'
import GitHubModule from './githubOauth'
* This class defines things which are made available to all objects which import it. It is a singlton which means that each time it is imported the same instance is made available so if it is written to in one place, it can be read somewhere else.
class GlobalVariables{
* The constructor creates a new instance of the Global Variables object.
* The canvas object on which the atoms are drawn.
* @type {object}
this.canvas = null
* The 2D reference to the canvas object on which the atoms are drawn.
* @type {object}
this.c = null
* An array of all of the available types of atoms which can be placed with a right click.
* @type {array}
this.availableTypes = {
box: {creator: Box, atomType: 'Box'},
intersection: {creator: Intersection, atomType: 'Intersection', atomCategory: 'Interactions'},
difference: {creator: Difference, atomType: 'Difference', atomCategory: 'Interactions'},
assembly: {creator: Assembly, atomType: 'Assembly', atomCategory: 'Interactions'},
union: {creator: Group, atomType: 'Union', atomCategory: 'None'},
group: {creator: Group, atomType: 'Group', atomCategory: 'None'},
shrinkwrap: {creator: ShrinkWrap, atomType: 'ShrinkWrap', atomCategory: 'Interactions'},
readme: {creator: Readme, atomType: 'Readme', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
addBOMTag: {creator: AddBOMTag, atomType: 'Add-BOM-Tag', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
color: {creator: Color, atomType: 'Color', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
tag: {creator: Tag, atomType: 'Tag', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
extracttag: {creator: ExtractTag, atomType: 'ExtractTag', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
cutLayout: {creator: CutLayout, atomType: 'CutLayout', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
CutList: {creator: CutList, atomType: 'CutList', atomCategory: 'Tags'},
regularPolygon: {creator: RegularPolygon, atomType: 'RegularPolygon', atomCategory: 'Shapes'},
costant: {creator: Constant, atomType: 'Constant', atomCategory: 'Inputs'},
circle: {creator: Circle, atomType: 'Circle', atomCategory: 'Shapes'},
rectangle: {creator: Rectangle, atomType: 'Rectangle', atomCategory: 'Shapes'},
molecule: {creator: Molecule, atomType: 'Molecule', atomCategory: 'Shapes'},
input: {creator: Input, atomType: 'Input', atomCategory: 'Inputs'},
equation: {creator: Equation, atomType: 'Equation', atomCategory: 'Inputs'},
code: {creator: Code, atomType: 'Code', atomCategory: 'Inputs'},
rotate: {creator: Rotate, atomType: 'Rotate', atomCategory: 'Actions'},
extrude: {creator: Extrude, atomType: 'Extrude', atomCategory: 'Actions'},
move: {creator: Move, atomType: 'Move', atomCategory: 'Actions'},
translate: {creator: Move, atomType: 'Translate', atomCategory: 'none'},
GeneticAlgorithm: {creator: GeneticAlgorithm, atomType: 'GeneticAlgorithm', atomCategory: 'Actions'},
stl: {creator: Stl, atomType: 'Stl', atomCategory: 'Export'},
svg: {creator: Svg, atomType: 'Svg', atomCategory: 'Export'},
//nest: {creator: Nest, atomType: 'Nest', atomCategory: 'Export'},
gcode: {creator: Gcode, atomType: 'Gcode', atomCategory: 'Export'},
uploadSVG: {creator: UploadSVG, atomType: 'UploadSVG', atomCategory: 'Export'},
githubmolecule: {creator: GitHubMolecule, atomType: 'GitHubMolecule', atomCategory: 'Inputs'},
output: {creator: Output, atomType: 'Output'}
* A reference to the molecule curently being displayed on the screen.
* @type {object}
* A reference to the top level molecule of the project.
* @type {object}
* A flag to indicate if the program is running in run mode (ie a shared link).
* @type {boolean}
this.runMode = false
* A flag to indicate if the program is running with a touch interface. Set in flowDraw.js.
* @type {boolean}
this.touchInterface = false
* The github object which is used to interact with GitHub.
* @type {object}
this.gitHub = new GitHubModule()
* A total of the number of atoms in this project
* @type {integer}
this.totalAtomCount = 0
* A counter used during the loading process to keep track of how many atoms are still to be loaded.
* @type {integer}
this.numberOfAtomsToLoad = 0
* A flag to indicate if the project is a fork.
* @type {boolean}
this.fork = false
* A flag to indicate if command is pressed
* @type {boolean}
this.ctrlDown = false
* A variable to save array to be copied
* @type {array}
this.atomsSelected = []
* The size (in mm) of segments to use for circles.
* @type {number}
this.circleSegmentSize = 2
* A flag to indicate if a display value is currently being processed.
* @type {bool}
this.displayProcessing = false
* The function to call to cancel the processing of the prevous display value.
* @type {function}
this.cancelLastDisplayWorker = function(){}
* The last path displayed. Used for updating the display when the controls change.
* @type {string}
this.displayedPath = ""
* A list of all of the paths in this project which can be read from memory
* @type {array}
this.availablePaths = []
* A flag to indicate if a grid should be displayed behind the shape
* @type {boolean}
this.displayGrid = true
* A flag to indicate if the edges of the shape should be displayed.
* @type {boolean}
this.displayAxis = true
* A flag to indicate if the display should show axis.
* @type {boolean}
this.displayTriangles = true
* A flag to indicate if the faces of the shape should be displayed.
* @type {boolean}
this.displayEdges = true
const math = create(all) //What does this do? I think it is used to evalue strings as math
* An evaluator for strings as mathmatical equations which is sandboxed and secure.
* @type {function}
this.limitedEvaluate = math.evaluate
'import': function () { throw new Error('Function import is disabled') },
'createUnit': function () { throw new Error('Function createUnit is disabled') },
'evaluate': function () { throw new Error('Function evaluate is disabled') },
'parse': function () { throw new Error('Function parse is disabled') },
'simplify': function () { throw new Error('Function simplify is disabled') },
'derivative': function () { throw new Error('Function derivative is disabled') }
}, { override: true })
* A function to generate a pixel value for 0-1 location on screen depending on screen width
* @param {number} width 0-1
width = Math.min(width, 1) //Constrain the position to be a max of 1
let pixels = this.canvas.width * width
return pixels
* A function to generate a 0-1 value from pixels for location on screen depending on screen width
* @param {number} width 0-1
let width = 1 /(this.canvas.width / pixels)
return width
* A function to generate a pixel value for 0-1 location on screen depending on screen height
* @param {number} width 0-1
height = Math.min(height, 1) //Constrain the position of the max value to be 1
let pixels = this.canvas.height * height
return pixels
* A function which reads from a path and displays the geometry it contains
* @param {string} The path to read from
writeToDisplay(path, resetView = false){
this.displayedPath = path
// Cancel the last write to display if there is one active because this one will replace it
this.displayProcessing = false
const {answer, terminate} = window.ask({ evaluate: "md`hello`",
op: "display",
readPath: path,
triangles: this.displayTriangles,
outline: this.displayEdges,
wireframe: false
answer.then( result => {
this.displayProcessing = false
if(result && result != -1){
}).catch ((e) => console.warn(e))
this.displayProcessing = true
* A function which cancels the worker processing display when called
this.cancelLastDisplayWorker = terminate
* A function to generate a 0-1 value from pixels for location on screen depending on screen height
* @param {number} width 0-1
let height = 1 /(this.canvas.height / pixels)
return height
* A function to generate a unique ID value. Currently uses random which does not gurintee that it will be unique.
return Math.floor(Math.random()*900000) + 100000
* Computes the distance between two points on a plane. This is a duplicate of the one in utils which should probably be deleted.
* @param {number} x1 - The x cordinate of the first point.
* @param {number} x2 - The x cordinate of the second point.
* @param {number} y1 - The y cordinate of the first point.
* @param {number} y2 - The y cordinate of the second point.
distBetweenPoints(x1, x2, y1, y2){
var a2 = Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2)
var b2 = Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)
var dist = Math.sqrt(a2 + b2)
return dist
* Because we want global variables to be the same every time it is imported we export an instance of global variables instead of the constructor.
export default (new GlobalVariables)