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import Atom from '../prototypes/atom'
import GlobalVariables from '../globalvariables'

 * This class creates the input atom.
export default class Input extends Atom {
     * The constructor function.
     * @param {object} values An array of values passed in which will be assigned to the class as this.x
        super (values)
         * This atom's name
         * @type {string}
        this.name = 'Input' + GlobalVariables.generateUniqueID()
         * A description of this atom
         * @type {string}
        this.description = "Adds an input to the parent molecule. If the parent molecule is the top level of the project then the input will be available when the project is shared or imported into another project. Name is editable"
         * The value the input is set to, defaults to 10. Is this still used or are we using the value of the attachmentPoint now?
         * @type {number}
        this.value = 10
         * This atom's type
         * @type {string}
        this.atomType = 'Input'
         * This atom's height for drawing
         * @type {number}
         * This atom's old name, used during name changes
         * @type {string}
        this.oldName = this.name
        this.addIO('output', 'number or geometry', this, 'number or geometry', 10)
        //Add a new input to the current molecule
        if (typeof this.parent !== 'undefined') {
            this.parent.addIO('input', this.name, this.parent, 'number or geometry', 10)
     * Updates the side bar to let the user change the atom value. Note that the parent molecule input is set, not this atom's input by changes.
        //updates the sidebar to display information about this node
        var valueList =  super.updateSidebar() //call the super function
        this.createEditableValueListItem(valueList,this,'name', 'Name', false)
     * Draws the atom on the screen.
    draw() {
        // //Snap the inputs to the far right side
        * The x position of the atom
        * @type {number}
        this.x = this.radius

        let xInPixels = GlobalVariables.widthToPixels(this.x)
        let yInPixels = GlobalVariables.heightToPixels(this.y)
        let radiusInPixels = GlobalVariables.widthToPixels(this.radius)
        * Relates height to radius
        * @type {number}
        this.height = radiusInPixels*1.3
        //Check if the name has been updated
        if(this.name != this.oldName){this.updateParentName()}
        //Set colors
            GlobalVariables.c.fillStyle = 'blue'
        else if(this.selected){
            GlobalVariables.c.fillStyle = this.selectedColor
            GlobalVariables.c.strokeStyle = this.defaultColor
             * This background color
             * @type {string}
            this.color = this.selectedColor
             * This atoms accent color
             * @type {string}
            this.strokeColor = this.defaultColor
            GlobalVariables.c.fillStyle = this.defaultColor
            GlobalVariables.c.strokeStyle = this.selectedColor
            this.color = this.defaultColor
            this.strokeColor = this.selectedColor
        this.inputs.forEach(input => {
        GlobalVariables.c.textAlign = 'start' 
        GlobalVariables.c.fillText(this.name, xInPixels + radiusInPixels, yInPixels -radiusInPixels)
        GlobalVariables.c.moveTo(xInPixels - radiusInPixels, yInPixels + this.height/2)
        GlobalVariables.c.lineTo(xInPixels, yInPixels + this.height/2)
        GlobalVariables.c.lineTo(xInPixels + radiusInPixels, yInPixels)
        GlobalVariables.c.lineTo(xInPixels, yInPixels - this.height/2)
        GlobalVariables.c.lineTo(xInPixels - radiusInPixels, yInPixels - this.height/2)
        GlobalVariables.c.lineWidth = 1
     * Remove the input from the parent molecule, then delete the atom normally.
    deleteNode(backgroundClickAfter = true, deletePath = true, silent = false) {
        //Remove this input from the parent molecule
        if (typeof this.parent !== 'undefined') {
            this.parent.removeIO('input', this.name, this.parent, silent)
        super.deleteNode(backgroundClickAfter, deletePath, silent)
     * Called when the name has changed to updated the name of the parent molecule IO
        //Run through the parent molecule and find the input with the same name
        this.parent.inputs.forEach(child => {
            if (child.name == this.oldName){
                child.name = this.name
        this.oldName = this.name
     * Grabs the new value from the parent molecule's input, sets this atoms value, then propagates.
        this.parent.inputs.forEach(input => { //Grab the value for this input from the parent's inputs list
            if(input.name == this.name){        //If we have found the matching input
                this.value = input.getValue()
                this.path  = this.value
                this.output.waitOnComingInformation()         //Lock all of the dependents
     * Sets all the input and output values to match their associated atoms.
        this.parent.inputs.forEach(input => { //Grab the value for this input from the parent's inputs list
            if(input.name == this.name){
                this.value = input.value
                this.output.value = input.value
        return this.value
     * Returns the current value being output
        return this.output.getValue()